Sunday, November 27, 2011

Bankruptcy in your future?

Are there no sane people making energy policy in America?  In 1972 gasoline was three gallons for a dollar, now we wish it were three dollars for a gallon.  My home electricity bill was less than ten dollars; want to guess what it is now?  HERE is an article exploring this situation.  My observation is that we will continue our downward spiral into third world poverty if we do not return to a policy of using our resources.  Will it take a national bankruptcy to shake us to our senses?  That may be closer than we want to accept.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Go Forward and be Ugly No More . . . .

I witnessed something recently that really got to my heart. I am privileged to know a man who is ugly. He really is ugly. But he has a heart of gold. I have seen him loan money to single mothers who have been abandoned by their shiftless husbands, abandoned along with their little runny-nosed kids who get hungry between the time when food stamp accounts are refilled and welfare checks are delivered. Yes, I know the mothers are dumb, and because of their bad choices in life, do not really deserve any help. But the kids are still hungry and they still cry when Mamma cannot serve up something to fill their empty bellies. My ugly friend filled the need. He helped out with a loan (at no interest) of bought some household item from the needy mom for more than he could ever expect to recover.
What I saw was the powers of government move in and remove the ugly man. Somewhere in some office or place of importance, the powers that be decided that UGLY could not be tolerated. So ugly was stamped out. It was stamped out in time for Christmas. The families who the UGLY MAN supported with wages and the families who the UGLY MAN helped out (until the check comes) and the single mothers whose children looked to the UGLY MAN for a bit of gruel for the slack times may learn to do without, but we can all rest assured that UGLY is finally stamped out. And the world is a prettier place.